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FY 2016 appropriations bill increases science funding
Early this morning, the U.S. House of Representatives released the text of the fiscal year (FY) 2016 omnibus appropriations bill, which would fund the federal government through the end of the current fiscal year on September 30, 2016. The bill includes increases for all of the science agencies of interest to the GSA community:…
Structure in yeast colonies
Compared to a human, a tree, or a jellyfish, the single-celled yeast might seem like a loner. Multicellular organisms like plants and animals are complex co-operative structures made of many specialized cell types, while a single yeast cell can survive and proliferate without the help of others. But although you might think of yeast as…
More questions than answers at Gene Editing Summit
Last week, the National Academies of Science and Engineering joined forces with the Chinese Academy of Science and the Royal Society of the United Kingdom to host an International Summit on Human Gene Editing in Washington, DC. Top scholars in genetics, bioengineering, ethics, and law debated the merits of human gene editing; however consensus was far from achieved.…
Introducing undergrads to primary literature in GENETICS
If you’re doing it right, teaching undergraduates is incredibly difficult. Delving into the scholarship of teaching and learning can be absolutely overwhelming, especially if the principles of Vision & Change are new to you. Preparing excellent activities, making sure that students are engaged, redesigning a course so that it’s “flipped”- all of these things take…
GSA members elected as 2015 AAAS Fellows
Congratulations to the eight GSA members who have been elected as AAAS Fellows in recognition of their contributions to innovation, education, and scientific leadership: Julie A. Brill, PhD (Section on Biological Sciences) Senior Scientist, The Hospital for Sick Children; and Professor of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto G3 Associate Editor, 2011–2014 …
Looking for cancer’s weak spots
The mutations that drive cancer formation are often found in “hub” genes that regulate many aspects of cell growth and survival. But these key genes are not always good therapeutic targets — some are even considered “undruggable.” In the latest issue of GENETICS, Bailey et al. identify a strategy for fighting cancer cells that carry…
Frog fungus gets lazy in the lab
Amphibians around the world have been devastated by the spread of the deadly fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). But although many populations have been decimated, others have survived the same threat. One reason for such different outcomes is variation in virulence between Bd isolates. In the latest issue of G3, Refsnider and Poorten et al. investigate…
pgEd Briefings: Increasing policymakers’ interest in genetics
Johnny Kung, Director of New Initiatives for the Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd), fills us in on their latest Congressional briefing. A version of this post is published on the pgEd website and is posted here with permission. On Nov. 17, our group, the Personal Genetics Education Project at Harvard Medical School, held a Congressional…
Support #GivingTuesday with a donation to GSA
As we approach the holiday season and #GivingTuesday, we hope that you will consider a donation to the Genetics Society of America (GSA). We rely upon your charitable contributions to promote a strong future for our field. GSA is the voice for those conducting fundamental studies in genetics and those working with model organisms from…
GSA members submit winning entries in FASEB BioArt competition
GSA members are well represented among the winners of FASEB’s fourth annual BioArt competition: 4 of the 11 winning images were submitting by our members. The BioArt competition seeks to share the beauty and excitement of biological research with the public by featuring captivating images and illustrations that represent cutting-edge life science research. All winning…
Creating an “Open Educational Resources” e-textbook
Kevin Ahern and Indira Rajagopal, both from the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University, described the process of creating an interactive e-textbook in biochemistry while presenting at the Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research in the summer of 2015. G2G asked them about their experience writing and publishing and they…