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  • Małgorzata Gazda's headshot
    Grants & Funding

    Małgorzata Gazda: How receiving the DeLill Nasser Award helped her land her dream job

    Have you ever experienced an event that changes the course of your life, or in this case, your career? Małgorzata (Gosia) Gazda is Assistant Professor at the University of Montreal and in 2022, she received the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics, which she used to attend and present at the 2022 Population,…

  • Julio Molina Pineda at TAGc 2024
    Grants & Funding

    GSA Member Julio Molina Pineda Receives DeLill Nasser Award, Shines at TAGC 2024 

    “At any career stage, the GSA membership is an amazing investment for any genetics professional!” Julio Molina Pineda is a PhD Candidate in Cell and Molecular Biology and a Research Assistant at the University of Arkansas, and a Doctoral Academy Fellow at the Lewis Lab. In 2023, Julio was awarded the DeLill Nasser Award for…

  • Grants & Funding

    Genome engineering hybrid symposia: Bridging the gap between experts and enthusiasts

    Advances in genome engineering are of broad interest (e.g., 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry); however, since they occur at a rapid pace, it’s difficult for scientists to stay up to date. Attending conferences is crucial for learning about cutting-edge advances, but accessibility barriers such as travel and registration costs exist. Additionally, while principal investigators are…

  • Grants & Funding

    Congratulations to the Fall 2023 Undergraduate Travel Awardees!

    To promote excellence in undergraduate research and education, GSA established the Undergraduate Travel Award, which supports travel costs for undergraduate members who are presenting at and attending a GSA conference. Congratulations to the 2023 awardees! Trace AckleyTruman State UniversityI genetically modify roundworms to help us better understand the sperm maturation process. Morgan ApolonioUniversity of California,…

  • Grants & Funding

    Congratulations to the Fall 2023 DeLill Nasser Awardees!

    GSA is pleased to announce the recipients of the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics for Fall 2023! Given twice a year to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, DeLill Nasser Awards support attendance at meetings and laboratory courses. The award is named in honor of DeLill Nasser, a long-time GSA supporter and National Science Foundation…

  • Grants & Funding

    Congratulations, Spring 2024 Victoria Finnerty Travel Award recipients!

    The Victoria Finnerty Travel Award supports conference-attendance costs for undergraduate GSA members who presented research at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. #Dros24 will be held in conjunction with other model organism meetings at TAGC 2024 in the Washington, DC, metro area and online from March 6–10, 2024. Victoria Finnerty, who died in February 2011, was…