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Science & Publishing
Science & Publishing
New in G3: C. elegans quantitative genetics, mouse imprinting, and undergraduate genomics research
Check out the May issue of G3! Investigations A Novel Electronic Assessment Strategy to Support Applied Drosophila Genetics Training in University Courses Maggy Fostier, Sanjai Patel, Samantha Clarke, and Andreas Prokop G3 May 2015 5:689-698; Early Online February 25, 2015, doi:10.1534/g3.115.017509 Abstract | Full Text | Full Text (PDF) | Supporting Information Differential Regulation of…
Science & Publishing
Undergrads power genomics research
With 1014 authors, an article by Leung et al. in the May issue of G3 has the largest author list of any paper published in the journal. More than 900 of those authors were undergraduate students when they performed the research. Over several years, students at 63 higher education institutions across the US conducted an…
Science & Publishing
May GENETICS Highlights
The May issue of GENETICS is out now! Check out the highlights below or the full Table of Contents here. Efficient multiple-trait association and estimation of genetic correlation using the matrix-variate linear mixed model, pp. 59–68 Nicholas A. Furlotte and Eleazar Eskin Existing approaches to multiple-trait association mapping are computationally intractable for large sample sizes, limiting their…
Science & Publishing
Beth and Bryn on fly sex
Male Drosophila fruit flies perform an elaborate ritual when they court a female. The male first turns towards the female, follows her, taps her, vibrates his wings to produce a species-specific song, licks her genitalia, curves his abdomen toward her and, if all goes well, the pair finally copulate. These complex routines may help flies…
Science & Publishing
Medaka Genetic Toolbox: Old fish, new tricks
Since the 17th century, the tiny medaka fish that dart through rice paddies in Japan have been bred as living ornaments. Though in the wild they are a nondescript mud color, medaka occasionally turn up in flashier mutant varieties — orange-red, pearlescent white, black splotched — that were much prized by generations of fish fanciers.…
Science & Publishing
Forest forecasts
In 2009, after five years parching under the arid blue skies of Calcena in northeastern Spain, dozens of neat rows of maritime pine seedlings had grown unevenly. Some of the seedlings had died years ago, some were stunted but hanging on, while others grew tall and green. The trees were not in their native soil.…
Science & Publishing
Spotlight on 2014 research
From animal domestication to human genome variation, from loblolly genomes to lager genomes, from wild zebrafish sex to untangled metagenomes, last year brought plenty of high points for the GSA journals. So gathering a small selection of those high points into the 2014 Spotlight booklets was a challenging, but rewarding task for the editors of GENETICS…
Science & Publishing
Meeting report: Defending Drosophila
Fruit flies suffer from an image problem. Maybe it’s the alliteration in the name, or the association with bananas, but Drosophila have become a go-to target for politicians looking to ridicule wasteful public spending. In February, presidential candidate and US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) questioned the NIH for spending: “…a million dollars trying to determine…
Science & Publishing
April GENETICS Highlights
The April issue of GENETICS is out now! Check out the highlights below of the full Table of Contents here. Nascent transcription affected by RNA polymerase IV in Zea mays, pp. 1107–1125 Karl F. Erhard Jr., Joy-El R. B. Talbot, Natalie C. Deans, Allison E. McClish, and Jay B. Hollick RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) is required…
Science & Publishing
New in G3: Genomic selection, ortholog detection, and Drosophila lines with global diversity
Check out the April issue of G3! Investigations A Bayesian Model for the Analysis of Transgenerational Epigenetic Variation Luis Varona, Sebastián Munilla, Elena Flavia Mouresan, Aldemar González-Rodríguez, Carlos Moreno, and Juan Altarriba G3 April 2015 5:477-485; Early Online January 23, 2015, doi:10.1534/g3.115.016725 Abstract | Full Text | Full Text (PDF) | Supporting Information Identification of…
Science & Publishing
Mutant Screen Report: touchy worms
Do you have results from a mutant screen to publish? G3’s Mutant Screen Reports allow you to publish succinct descriptions of useful genetic screens in a convenient format. The Reports fulfill one of G3’s goals: to make data from screens available to the community in a timely fashion. If you gently touch the front half…