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Articles tagged Awards & Prizes
(135 results)
Grants & Funding
Hugo Bellen and Catherine Tasnier Drosophila Neurogenetics Lecture Announcement
Qili Liu to present the first Hugo Bellen and Catherine Tasnier Drosophila Neurogenetics Lecture at 66th Annual Drosophila Research Conference
Grants & Funding
Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Undergraduate Travel Awardees!
To promote excellence in undergraduate research and education, GSA established the Undergraduate Travel Award, which supports travel costs for undergraduate members who are presenting at and attending a GSA conference. Congratulations to the 2024 awardees! Adam Aldahir Tulane University I am studying the hepatocyte like oenocyte as a model for liver cancer. Nikki Andrews Southern Oregon…
Grants & Funding
Congratulations to the Fall 2024 DeLill Nasser Awardees!
GSA is pleased to announce the recipients of the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics for Fall 2024! Given twice a year to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, DeLill Nasser Awards support attendance at meetings and laboratory courses. The award is named in honor of DeLill Nasser, a long-time GSA supporter and National Science Foundation…
Congratulations, Spring 2025 Victoria Finnerty Travel Award recipients!
The Victoria Finnerty Undergraduate Travel Award supports conference-attendance costs for undergraduate GSA members who are presenting research at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. #Dros25 will be held in San Diego, CA from March 19–23, 2025. Victoria Finnerty, who died in February 2011, was a long-time member of the Genetics Society of America and served the Drosophila community and the genetics community at large in…
Where are they now? Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award recipients share updates on their research
Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award applications are open–make sure you submit your application or nomination of a colleague by September 30, 2024.
Grants & Funding
Congratulations to the Spring 2024 DeLill Nasser Awardees!
GSA is pleased to announce the recipients of the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics for Spring 2024! Given twice a year to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, DeLill Nasser Awards support attendance at meetings and laboratory courses. The award is named in honor of DeLill Nasser, a long-time GSA supporter and National Science Foundation…
Grants & Funding
What does a good microgrant proposal look like?
Members of the Microgrant Review Committee share their tips for a successful proposal.
Science & Publishing
Hongyu Zhao joins GENETICS as new Senior Editor
A new senior editor is joining GENETICS in the Statistical Genetics and Genomics section. We’re excited to welcome Hongyu Zhao to the editorial team.
Science & Publishing
GENETICS welcomes Sarah Otto as an associate editor
A new associate editor is joining GENETICS in the Theoretical Population and Evolutionary Genetics section. We’re excited to welcome Sarah Otto to the editorial team. Sarah OttoAssociate Editor Sarah (Sally) Otto is a Killam University Professor at the University of British Columbia. Her research focuses on modelling how inheritance and reproductive systems evolve by investigating…
Congratulations to the #Fungal24 Poster Award winners!
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the GSA Poster Awards for posters presented at the 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference! Undergraduate and graduate student members of GSA were eligible for the awards, and a hard-working team of judges made the determinations. Congratulations to all! Felicia Ebot Ojong, The University of Georgia My research is focused…
Science & Publishing
Congratulations to the #TAGC24 Poster Award winners!
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the GSA Poster Awards for posters presented at The Allied Genetics Conference 2024! Undergraduate and graduate student members of GSA were eligible for the awards, and a hard-working team of judges made the determinations. Congratulations to all! Faith Akoachere, Syracuse University Functional characterization of systemic RNA interference in…