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Articles tagged G3 Journal
(231 results)
How the genetics of seizure susceptibility changes over time
Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures, often with no immediately obvious cause. In the August issue of G3, Ferland et al. use a genome-wide association study in mice to show that after multiple seizures, the genetic basis of seizure variation shifts from previously identified genomic regions to new ones. This research shows that the genetic…
New in G3: Yorkie signaling, rice hybrid incompatibility, and a wasp genome
Check out the August issue of G3! Table of Contents Genome Reports Whole Genome Sequencing of the Braconid Parasitoid Wasp Fopius arisanus, an Important Biocontrol Agent of Pest Tepritid Fruit Flies Scott M. Geib, Guang Hong Liang, Terence D. Murphy, Sheina B. Sim G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics August 2017 7: 2407-2411; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.117.040741 Comparative Genomics of Two Sequential…
Lineage specific retrotransposons shaped the genome evolution of domesticated rice
Rice is one of the most important food crops on earth. Like many other plants, the genome of this critical global species is dominated by transposable elements—selfish genes that multiply themselves to the detriment of their host. In the June issue of G3, Zhang and Gao analyze the genomic long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposon content…
To make an embryo, you gotta break some mitochondrial DNA
Over twenty years ago, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) let scientists successfully clone the first mammal—Dolly the sheep. Despite advances since then, the efficiency of this process remains low. In the July issue of G3, Srirattana and St. John report a method to deplete cattle donor cells of mitochondrial DNA and efficiently generate blastocysts from…
Publish your software and data resources in G3!
Geneticists increasingly depend on highly specialized software and databases. Although it is vital to the field that these resources be well documented and their benefits widely disseminated, reports of new software and databases don’t always fit the mold of a typical research paper. The structure of a conventional research article forces authors to present their…
New in G3: halophilic yeast, cotton gene flow, and karyotypic evolution in icefish
Check out the July issue of G3! Table of Contents Genome Report Insight into the Recent Genome Duplication of the Halophilic Yeast Hortaea werneckii: Combining an Improved Genome with Gene Expression and Chromatin Structure Sunita Sinha, Stephane Flibotte, Mauricio Neira, Sean Formby, Ana Plemenitaš, Nina Gunde Cimerman, Metka Lenassi, Cene Gostincar, Jason E. Stajich, Corey Nislow G3: Genes,…
Hot wings and snow birds: Extreme temperature adaptation in domestic chickens
Humans built the modern world with the help of domestic plants and animals. A byproduct of our many domestication experiments is a series of excellent long-term controlled evolutionary comparisons that are helping geneticists understand adaptation. In a study published in the May issue of G3, Fleming et al. identify genomic regions under natural selection in…
Behind the cover: Male infertility in the mouse Collaborative Cross
Fascinating discoveries sometimes emerge from the most daunting of experimental roadblocks. Designed to generate over 1,000 recombinant inbred mice lines for genetic mapping, the Collaborative Cross (CC) project unearthed astounding variation in male fertility when nearly 95% of the highly inbred CC lines went extinct. As part of the Multiparental Populations series in the June…
New in G3: multiparental populations, worm fat levels, and mutant screen reports
Check out the June issue of G3! Table of Contents Editorial Back to the Future: Multiparent Populations Provide the Key to Unlocking the Genetic Basis of Complex Traits Dirk-Jan de Koning, Lauren M. McIntyre G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics June 2017 7: 1617-1618; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.117.042846 Commentary Epistasis: Searching for Interacting Genetic Variants Using Crosses Ian M.…
Dysfunctional calcium release contributes to muscle weakness as we age
Strong muscles aren’t important only for athletes—declining skeletal muscle strength is strongly associated with lower quality of life and even mortality in older adults. As the world’s population ages, understanding why muscle strength decreases over our lifespans is critical to ensuring seniors enjoy a happy, healthy old age. Normally, a muscle contracts when calcium is…
MPP People: Elizabeth King
Multiparental populations (MPPs) have brought a new era in mapping complex traits, as well as new analytical challenges. To face these challenges and encourage innovation, the GSA journals launched the ongoing Multiparental Populations series in 2014. This month’s issues of GENETICS and G3 feature a bumper 16 MPP articles, timed to celebrate a new easy-to-use…