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    Science & Publishing

    NUKUs: A new primate retrocopy family with distinct functionality

    Multiple divergent retrocopies of the well-characterized Ku70 gene were identified in humans and other primates. The last 63 million years of primate evolution have been strongly shaped by genetic retrotransposition; thousands of genes and proteins with new functions have evolved from retrocopies scattered throughout the genome. These retrocopies arise when retrotransposons reverse transcribe a cellular…

  • Science & Publishing

    Uncovering SARS-CoV-2 recombination events

    New Bolotie method can handle the barrage of sequencing data that posed a problem for conventional recombination algorithms. Humanity has faced many pandemics throughout history, but never before have we tackled an active pandemic while so well equipped with genetic technology. In fact, when SARS-CoV-2 struck, the genetics community produced so much sequencing data so…

  • Whirlpool by Navdeep Raj
    Science & Publishing

    Finding a happy medium boosts ChIP-seq data quality

    Every lab wants to produce high-quality, reproducible data. But when that data is destined for use by the whole community as part of an international consortium, there is an even greater incentive to ensure the highest standards. A new paper in G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics defines a critical step for the success of widely-used gene regulation experiments.   …

  • Feature Image: GENETICS
    Science & Publishing

    New Senior Editors at GENETICS and G3

    GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics are pleased to announce two new Senior Editors; Sharon Browning is a Senior Editor at GENETICS, and Gustavo de los Campos is a Senior Editor at G3. GENETICS Sharon Browning Sharon Browning is a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Washington. She received a BS in Mathematics from the University of…

  • Flower with fungus growing on it
    Science & Publishing

    The myrtle rust genome is the largest assembled fungal genome to date

    Over 90 percent of the genome of this pathogen threatening Australian ecosystems is made of transposable elements. Myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) is a pathogenic fungus that has spread rapidly across the globe with devastating effects on local vegetation, including agricultural crops. It is extremely versatile, with over 480 known host species in the widespread myrtle…

  • Feature Image: GENETICS
    Science & Publishing

    Welcome to new editors at G3 and GENETICS

    GENETICS and G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics are pleased to announce four new editors: Leah Cowen, Michael Goddard, Joseph Heitman, and Hongyu Zhao. GENETICS Leah Cowen Leah Cowen is Vice President of Research at the University of Toronto (UofT), Professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics, co-Director of the CIFAR Fungal Kingdom: Threats &…

  • Headshot of Douglas Koshland
    Science & Publishing

    2021 Genetics Society of America Medal: Douglas Koshland

    Failure of chromosomes to segregate properly results in severe medical conditions, or even death. Yet for a long time, it was challenging to study exactly how chromosomes carry out their complex choreography, due to a lack of robust tools for combining chromosome visualization and genetic experiments.  Douglas Koshland spent his postdoc studying mammalian chromosome biology…

  • GENETICS journal
    Science & Publishing

    New editors for Experimental Technologies and Resources section of GENETICS

    GENETICS is pleased to announce four new editors for the Experimental Technologies and Resources section of the journal: Markus Affolter, Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Kristin Tessmar-Raible, and Julie Hayner Simpson. Markus Affolter Markus Affolter is a developmental biologist at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and his lab has been interested in how cells form…

  • GENETICS journal
    Science & Publishing

    Introducing new Neurogenetics & Behavior editors to GENETICS

    GENETICS is pleased to announce eight new editors for the Neurogenetics & Behavior section of the journal: Arantza Barrios, Tamara Caspary, Catherine Kaczorowski, Karla Kaun, Kyuhyung Kim, Roger Pocock, Hongyan Wang, and Jill Wildonger. Arantza Barrios Arantza Barrios is an Associate Professor/Reader in Neurobiology at University College London.  Her lab uses the C. elegans male to investigate…

  • Ruth Lehmann
    Science & Publishing

    2021 Morgan Medal: Ruth Lehmann

    One of life’s great mysteries is how a single egg cell can contain all the information needed to create a fully specialized complex organism, including more egg cells. Ruth Lehmann, director of the Whitehead Institute at MIT, has done a tremendous amount to solve that mystery. Beginning in her graduate student days, she uncovered a…

  • Strawberries
    Science & Publishing

    Strawberry detectives retrace family roots

    Geneticists dig up the dirt on 300 years of succulence. When Steve Knapp started his new job at the University of California, Davis, he plunged into a forensic mystery that would take years to unravel. He wasn’t hunting a criminal or identifying a missing person, but the challenge before him was just as formidable: reconstructing…