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  • Save Money

    TAGC more affordable than you think

      We have heard anecdotal reports that some members of the community are concerned about the cost to attend TAGC, but we wanted to explain how TAGC is less expensive than previous community meetings, especially when you consider the total cost of attending the conference—including registration, travel, and housing. It may be true that the registration fee is slightly higher…

  • donate

    Thanking our donors

    GSA is thankful for the more than 400 charitable contributions made to the Society over the past 15 months—a total of more than $40,000! Your donations enable GSA to support educational programs, advocacy, and media and public outreach activities that promote our field and the next generation of geneticists. You can support the Society by making…

  • MIRA

    Mixed feelings about MIRA

    GSA has been hearing from our community about their experience with the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) program from NIH’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). Although there’s almost universal support for the goals of the program—providing a greater degree of flexibility and stability for investigators—and for the application and review process, there is significant disagreement…

  • News

    GSA members provide early exposure to research in the St. Louis community

    Last year, GSA launched a new initiative to support our student and postdoc members who have ideas for local workshops on topics related to genetics research. The Advocating Translational Genetics/Genomics Conference in St. Louis (ATGC-STL) held at Harris Stowe State University (HSSU) was one of the first Trainee Organized Symposia to be funded through this…

  • News

    Behind the podium: NIH Director Francis Collins, Keynote Speaker at TAGC

    In preparation for The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC), set to take place in Orlando this July, Genes to Genomes is getting the inside scoop from many of the outstanding keynote speakers in our “Behind the Podium” series. Here, GSA member Sarah Neuman interviews National Institutes of Health Director, Francis Collins.     As the former…

  • Post Feature Image

    GSA supports symposia organized by student and postdoc members

    The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is pleased to support a new round of GSA Trainee-Organized Symposia, which are organized by student and postdoctoral members of the Society. These outstanding events will receive up to $2,000 each in funding to cover direct meeting costs, such as speaker travel, facility rental, and promotional supplies. The goal…

  • Organic Grass World

    GSA offers free membership to scientists in developing countries

    As an effort to engage scientists from regions of the world with extremely limited resources, GSA is pleased to extend the opportunity for those in selected countries to become full GSA members at no cost. As with all members, those taking advantage of this program will receive a personal subscription to the GSA journal GENETICS,…

  • News

    Time is running out. Submit an abstract to TAGC today

      Deadlines for The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC) arrive in 5 days.  Abstract submission, early registration, and travel award and childcare grant applications are all due March 23, 2016. Abstract Submission Submit by March 23 – late abstracts will not be accepted Meeting Registration Save up to $200 by registering on or before March 23 GSA members can save…

  • News

    Announcing the PALM Network Spring 2016 Fellows

    Inaugural class sets high standards for a growing program. Mentoring Matters The Genetics Society of America takes an active and collaborative role in the Promoting Active Learning & Mentoring (PALM) Network, along with our partners: the American Society for Cell Biology and the American Society of Plant Biologists. PALM funds one-on-one, long-term mentorships for faculty…

  • News

    TAGC deadlines approaching

      There are only two weeks remaining until several deadlines for The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC): abstract submission, early registration, and travel award and childcare grant applications are all due March 23, 2016.   Abstract Submission Submit by March 23 – late abstracts will not be accepted Meeting Registration Save up to $200 by registering on or before…

  • Houra Merrikh

    GSA member Houra Merrikh honored with Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise

    GSA member Houra Merrikh has been honored with the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science. Established in 2009, the award recognizes individuals born outside of the U.S. who have demonstrated outstanding early achievement and who often face significant challenges early in their career.   Houra Merrikh, PhD Assistant Professor of Microbiology University of Washington…