The GSA Journals are excited to announce that we have partnered with Figshare to archive supplemental material and data from papers published in GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics.

When you publish a paper in GENETICS or G3, you help to catalyze scientific advances by sharing experimental reagents, results, and interpretations. For these articles to have the greatest impact, authors need to make unique research materials and data freely available to other investigators. Since 2010, the GSA Journals have committed to making data publicly accessible, and partnering with Figshare supports that commitment.

Figshare is a web-based platform designed to help academic institutions manage, disseminate, and measure the public attention of all their research outputs. Figshare can host large datasets, code freezes, and more—so authors can archive all of the data associated with their manuscripts together in one place, with no file type or file size restrictions.

When submitting a manuscript to GENETICS or G3, authors will be prompted to upload supplemental material and data via the GSA Figshare portalDuring the review process, private, confidential links to the data will be shared only with editors and reviewers. These private links will have the same level of access as data currently uploaded to our manuscript review system: access is restricted to editorial staff, editors assigned to the manuscript, and reviewers who have agreed to review.

If a manuscript is not accepted for publication, the GSA Editorial Office will delete the associated data from the GSA Figshare portal. When a manuscript is accepted, the associated data will be published at Figshare to coincide with the article’s publication. Published filesets will be assigned a DOI that’s linked to the paper, and authors get to choose the type of open source license their data are published under, so they retain control over how their data are used.

Find the full Figshare details: