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Articles tagged G3 Journal
(231 results)

  • Newborn Shetland pony foal not affected by skeletal atavism. © Copyright Mike Pennington and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License.

    Genetic test helps ponies leave the past behind

    For the past several decades, Shetland ponies’ collective past had caught up with them. A portion of the population of these miniature horses is affected by atavism, a phenomenon in which ancient characteristics are accidentally revived by mutations. Traits reincarnated in this way sometimes interact disastrously with the genetic background of the modern organism. For…

  • New in G3: Drosophila doublesex, Shetland pony SHOX, and SNP-SNP interactions

    Check out the July issue of G3! ForestPMPlot: A Flexible Tool for Visualizing Heterogeneity Between Studies in Meta-analysis Eun Yong Kang, Yurang Park, Xiao Li, Ayellet V. Segrè, Buhm Han, and Eleazar Eskin G3 July 2016 6:1793-1798; Early Online May 18, 2016 doi:10.1534/g3.116.029439 Abstract | Full Text | Full Text (PDF) Sex Differences in Drosophila…

  • Molecular model of penicillin, the first antibiotic discovered. Later, antimicrobial peptides were also found to have antibiotic properties. By Science Museum London / Science and Society Picture Library [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

    How bacteria dodge new antibiotic candidates

    Antibiotics, a vital tool for fighting infections, were originally products of nature—the first antibiotic was serendipitously discovered in mold contaminating a bacterial culture. As antibiotic resistance becomes an increasingly serious threat, scientists are attempting to wring another type of pathogen-fighting drug from the wild: antimicrobial peptides. Antimicrobial peptides, or AMPs, are found in almost every…

  • The pharynx in the wild type worm (top) is shorter than the pharynx in the mutant worm (bottom). Image credit: modified from figure 1 in Shibata et al.

    Stretchy cells underlie organ development

    Animals’ complex body plans come at a cost: their development is elaborate and must be delicately controlled. One critical aspect of development is size and shape control—every organ needs to fit in its place. The process requires the orchestration of a dizzying number of pathways, and understanding even a single component is far from trivial.…

  • New in G3: Cotton, Candida, and Chlamydomonas

    Check out the June issue of G3! Investigations Sdt97: A Point Mutation in the 5′ Untranslated Region Confers Semidwarfism in Rice Jiping Tong, Zhengshu Han, Aonan Han, Xuejun Liu, Shiyong Zhang, Binying Fu, Jun Hu, Jingping Su, Shaoqing Li, Shengjun Wang, and Yingguo Zhu G3 June 2016 6:1491-1502; Early Online April 29, 2016 doi:10.1534/g3.116.028720 Abstract…

  • By wiredforlego via Flickr.

    Runaway amplification: 800 copies and counting

    Massive amplification of genes is a desperate strategy taken by stressed populations adapting to an environment that has become inhospitable. Such amplifications can give an underperforming gene a much-needed boost in productivity simply by increasing its copy number. But counterintuitively, research reported in the May issue of G3 implies these amplifications may arise even in…

  • New in G3: songbird speciation and mapping challenging mutations

    Check out the May issue of G3! Investigations The Genetic Basis of Baculum Size and Shape Variation in Mice Nicholas G. Schultz, Jesse Ingels, Andrew Hillhouse, Keegan Wardwell, Peter L. Chang, James M. Cheverud, Cathleen Lutz, Lu Lu, Robert W. Williams, and Matthew D. Dean G3 May 2016 6:1141-1151; Early Online March 2, 2016 doi:10.1534/g3.116.027888…

  • Overly fastidious flies shed light on neurofibromatosis

    Fruit flies that devote an excessive amount of time to grooming themselves could serve as a powerful tool for understanding the inherited disorder neurofibromatosis, type 1 (NF-1), report researchers in the latest issue of G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics.     NF-1 leads to the development of benign tumors in the peripheral nervous system. Common complications of  NF-1…

  • GENETICS and G3 Spring 2016 Editorial Board Update

    GENETICS and G3 are excited to welcome new editors and to announce editorial changes for the current quarter. GENETICS Senior Editors: Karl Broman, Nick H. Barton, Oliver Hobert, and Audrey Gasch GENETICS Associate Editors: Oliver Rando, Kirsten Bomblies, Giovanni Bosco, Graham Coop, Thomas E. Juenger, Alan Moses, John Novembre, Daven Presgraves, Valerie Reinke, and Nathan Springer G3 Associate Editors: Ross Houston,…

  • New in G3: heat shocked worms and CRISPRed chickens

    Check out the April issue of G3! Meeting Report Evolution of Plant Phenotypes, from Genomes to Traits Josep M. Casacuberta, Scott Jackson, Olivier Panaud, Michael Purugganan, and Jonathan Wendel G3 April 2016 6:775-778; Early Online February 11, 2016 doi:10.1534/g3.115.025502 Full Text | Full Text (PDF) Investigations Utilizing Gene Tree Variation to Identify Candidate Effector Genes…

  • Wine tasting

    Wine yeast genomes lack diversity

    Sequencing the genomes of hundreds of strains of the wine yeast S. cerevisiae has revealed little genetic diversity and high levels of inbreeding. In many cases, yeast strains sold by different companies were almost genetically identical. The results, published in the April issue of G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, suggest that winemakers attempting to develop improved wine yeasts…