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Articles tagged Awards & Prizes
(136 results)
2015 GSA Award Essays
Check out the Genetics Society of America award winners’ essays in the July issue of GENETICS! The awardees share inspiration, observations, and predictions about their fields. Nominations are now open for the 2016 GSA awards through September 18. Edward Novitski Prize Sue Biggins Under Tension: Kinetochores and Basic Research “It is […] easy to…
GSA member Leonid Kruglyak honored with ASHG’s Curt Stern Award
GSA member and frequent GENETICS and G3 author Leonid Kruglyak has been honored by the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) with its 2015 Curt Stern Award. The award recognizes genetics and genomics researchers who have made significant contributions to the field in the first ten years of an independent research career. Kruglyak is…
Zhao Zhang receives Larry Sandler Memorial Award for outstanding PhD in Drosophila research
This year’s Larry Sandler Memorial Award for an outstanding PhD dissertation in Drosophila research was presented to Zhao Zhang. Zhang, pictured receiving the prestigious award from Erika Bach (New York University), delivered the award lecture on the opening night of last week’s 56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago, IL, organized by GSA. He carried…
GSA Award Essays
Check out the GSA award winners’ essays in this month’s issue of GENETICS! GENETICS SOCIETY OF AMERICA MEDAL Unanticipated Success Stories: An Interview with Angelika Amon “I would argue that under some circumstances, studying yeast cells is a better idea than studying highly transformed human cells in a dish.” THOMAS HUNT MORGAN MEDAL…