The Genetics Society of America is pleased to announce the winners of the GSA Poster Awards at The Allied Genetics Conference! Current undergraduate and graduate student GSA members were eligible for the Awards; six research communities participated in the competition, with postdoctoral scholars volunteering their time and efforts as judges.
The Herculean effort of organizing the 84 postdoctoral judges was spearheaded by the GSA Poster Judging Committee Chair, Peter Stirling, a scientist at the British Columbia Cancer Agency and Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia. Peter was assisted by: TAGC Trainee Organizing Committee Chair, Kathleen Dumas, a postdoc at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging; Robin Leigh Armstrong, a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and GSA staff members Anne Marie Mahoney and Beth Ruedi.
C. elegans Development, Cell Biology, and Gene Expression Topic Meeting
Graduate Students
1st Place: Kimberly Gauthier, MUHC Research Institute, McGill University
2nd Place: Cristina Matthewman, University of Miami Miller College of Medicine
3rd Place: Amel Alqadah, University of Illinois at Chicago
Undergraduate Students
1st Place: James Brandt, Lewis & Clark College
2nd Place: Maegan Neilson, College of the Holy Cross

Ciliate Molecular Biology Conference
Graduate Student
Miguel Gonzales, Texas A&M
Undergraduate Student
Evan Wilson, Missouri State University
57th Annual Drosophila Research Conference
Graduate Students
1st Place: Daniel Kelpsch, University of Iowa
2nd Place: Afsoon Saadin, University of Maryland Baltimore County
3rd Place: Sumaira Zamurrad, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Undergraduate Students
1st Place: Niahz Wince, Pennsylvania State University, Berks College
2nd Place: Phuong Nguyen, Drexel University
2016 Mouse Genetics Conference
Graduate Students
1st Place: Meng Zhang, Yale University
2nd Place: Sarah Bay, Emory University
Undergraduate Students
Andreea Radulescu, University of Surrey, Great Britain
Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics
Graduate Students
1st Place: Thom Nelson, University of Oregon
2nd Place: Michelle Parmenter, University of Wisconsin–Madison
3rd Place: April Peterson, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Undergraduate Student
Mathieu Henault, IBIS, Université Laval, Canada
Yeast Genetics Meeting
Graduate Students
1st Place: Dara Lo, University of Toronto, Canada
2nd Place (TIE!): Jon Laurent, University of Texas at Austin & Yu-San Yang, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Undergraduate Student
Alex Lederer, University of Pittsburgh
A press release with more information about each of the winners will be available soon.