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Science & Publishing

  • A cloth embroidered by a person with schizophrenia. By cometstarmoon [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    Science & Publishing

    New schizophrenia risk genes found by computational analysis

    Symptoms of schizophrenia most commonly begin to creep up in young adulthood. Although genetics play a major role in this complex disorder, narrowing down the search for the genes involved has proven frustratingly difficult. Risk loci identified by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) may contain several genes, making it unclear which of these contribute to pathology.…

  • Science & Publishing

    December GENETICS Highlights

    Check out the December issue of GENETICS by looking at the highlights or the full table of contents! ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS This Month’s Centennial Articles Edward East on the Mendelian basis of quantitative trait variation, pp. 1321-1323 Michael Turelli Reviews editor Michael Turelli introduces Edward East’s 1916 Classic on the Mendelian basis of a continuously varying phenotype. This work exquisitely…

  • Science & Publishing

    New in G3: resistant bed bugs, stressed cotton, and outbred mice

    Check out the December issue of G3! Table of Contents Meeting Report Meeting Report: The Allied Genetics Conference 2016 Organizers of The Allied Genetics Conference 2016 G3 December 2016 6:3765-3786; doi:10.1534/g3.116.036848 Full Text | Full Text (PDF) Investigations Assessing the Gene Content of the Megagenome: Sugar Pine (Pinus lambertiana) Daniel Gonzalez-Ibeas, Pedro J. Martinez-Garcia, Randi…

  • First author Christopher Campbell's dog, Lipa.
    Science & Publishing

    Dog pedigrees shed light on recombination

    Recombination within the genome isn’t random. This swapping of DNA segments between one chromosome and its homolog preferentially affects specific genome regions called hotspots. These regions can have recombination rates many times higher than other areas of the genome, and the rapid shuffling of genetic information is thought to be important in evolution. The location…

  • Science & Publishing

    TAGC Videos & Meeting Report: The Allied Genetics Conference online!

    The Allied Genetics Conference was an experiment for the GSA. We brought together under one roof seven separate research community meetings: C. elegans, ciliate, Drosophila, mouse, yeast, zebrafish, and population, evolutionary, and quantitative genetics. Today we are launching another experiment, this time, to communicate results presented at the meeting. Thanks to a generous grant from the…

  • Metamorphosing froglets of Xenopus borealis used in this study. Photo by Adam Bewick.
    Science & Publishing

    Sex chromosome turnover in frogs hints at evolutionary patterns

    Sex chromosomes have evolved from autosomes hundreds of times across the tree of life. In mammals, sex is controlled by the Y chromosome-linked gene SRY, which triggers the development of male anatomy. Sex determination in most mammals is extremely conserved; essentially all marsupials and placental mammals share the same pair of X and Y chromosomes…

  • By (Antarctica Sailing Trip) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons.
    Science & Publishing

    Cold-loving fungi fight frostbite, but can’t take the heat

    To the unaided eye, Antarctic soil and alpine glaciers may appear to be barren wastelands devoid of life. But some microbes call hostile habitats like these home. Research on one such organism, published in the latest issue of G3, reveals some of the mechanisms behind cold adaptation—and explains why these otherwise hardy creatures can’t survive…

  • By BMW Werk Leipzig ( [CC BY-SA 2.0 de], via Wikimedia Commons
    Science & Publishing

    Speed limits in bacterial factories

    In the fast-paced life of a bacterium, the ability to manufacture proteins quickly and efficiently is crucial. In these organisms, mRNAs—the templates for building proteins—have a string of bases near the start called the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence. This motif increases the rate at which translation is initiated. Some results suggest that the presence of SD…

  • Seizures are caused by surges of uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain. Photo by Michael Coghlan via Flickr.
    Science & Publishing

    High Temperatures Suppress Seizures in a Fruit Fly Epilepsy Model

    The human brain is an amazing machine powered by electricity. Carefully controlled patterns of changing electrical charges in neurons allow us to to think, move, and speak. When this system is disrupted, very bad things happen. A seizure occurs when a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain interrupts normal functioning. Seizures are accompanied…

  • Science & Publishing

    November GENETICS Highlights

    Check out the November issue of GENETICS by looking at the highlights or the full table of contents! ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS This Month’s Centennial Articles Charlesworth et al. on background selection and neutral diversity, pp. 829-832 Stephen I. Wright Associate Editor Stephen I. Wright introduces the 1993 GENETICS Classic by Charlesworth. This landmark article revealed an important effect structuring neutral…

  • dionne-et-al
    Science & Publishing

    New in G3: maize, master regulators, and mutagenesis

    Check out the November issue of G3! Table of Contents Investigations Genomic Prediction of Single Crosses in the Early Stages of a Maize Hybrid Breeding Pipeline Dnyaneshwar C. Kadam, Sarah M. Potts, Martin O. Bohn, Alexander E. Lipka, and Aaron J. Lorenz G3 November 2016 6:3443-3453; Early Online September 19, 2016 doi:10.1534/g3.116.031286 Abstract | Full…