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Pillars of the community
GSA President Jeannie Lee announces a new Strategic Plan for GSA. When I became President earlier this year, I set out with two major goals in mind for the Society in 2018: (1) To establish a new Strategic Plan that would map out a vibrant 5-10 year future for our community that includes scholarship, support…
Thank you 2018 donors!
DONATE NOW GSA is grateful for the support of all its members, but we would like to give special acknowledgment to those who made additional donations toward our activities in 2018. Charitable donations to GSA support the future of our field through professional development programs, advocacy, travel awards, and much more. And don’t forget,…
New members of the GSA Board of Directors: 2019–2021
We are pleased to announce the election of six new leaders to the GSA Board of Directors: 2019 Vice-President / 2020 President Denise Montell Robert and Patricia Duggan Professor, Distinguished Professor, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara Denise Montell’s research aims to uncover the fundamental mechanisms that control how cells build…
Apply now to hone your communication skills and build your network
Join the Communication and Outreach Subcommittee of GSA’s Early Career Scientist Leadership and Professional Development Program. Are you a student or postdoc with a passion for science communication and outreach? Gain valuable experience, professional skills, portfolio pieces, and a vibrant network by applying for the Communication and Outreach Subcommittee, one of four subcommittees under the GSA’s…
Time flies: Get ready for #Dros19
Registration is now open for the 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference! In the fall of 1958, a handful of colleagues met to talk “more or less endlessly” for two days, mainly about the fruit fly Drosophila. Most of the dozen or so participants were members of James F. Crow’s laboratory at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.…
Announcing GSA’s Conference Childcare Committee
The committee will assess current childcare support at GSA meetings and make recommendations for improvement. Parent scientists know firsthand that many scientific conferences fail to provide adequate support for attendees with children. Indeed, Calisi et al. discussed the “childcare-conference conundrum” in detail earlier this year, outlining the barriers parents face and making suggestions for how…
Katherine Xue studies how the flu evolves inside you
The recipient of the 2018 Crow Award reveals details of flu evolution at the smallest —and largest—scales. For many viral diseases, a vaccine can provide lifelong protection. But for flu, you need a new shot every year. The influenza virus evolves so fast it presents a constantly moving target for both our immune systems and…
Getting to work
Turning vision into reality takes work—that much is obvious. But anyone who has written a proposal of any sort will realize that a coherent vision doesn’t appear out of thin air. It must be carefully crafted from an initial collection of goals, ideas, and ideals. This year, GSA’s staff, leadership, and membership are working hard…
Fall 2018 DeLill Nasser Awardees
GSA is pleased to announce the recipients of the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics for Fall 2018! Given twice a year to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, DeLill Nasser Awards support attendance at meetings and laboratory courses. The award is named in honor of DeLill Nasser, a long-time GSA supporter and National Science Foundation Program…
Videos from PEQG18 Keynote and Crow Award sessions
Watch presentations from the conference, including talks from Katie Peichel and Jonathan Pritchard. Now that the dust has settled from the whirlwind of the first ever standalone GSA Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG18), we’re delighted to be able to share the audio and synched slides from the Keynote and Crow Award sessions. We’re…
#PEQG18 GSA Poster Award Winners
Congratulations to all the winners of poster awards at the 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference! Graduate Students Matthew Osmond University of British Columbia Poster title: Genetic paths to evolutionary rescue Paloma Medina University of California, Santa Cruz Poster title: Estimating the Prevalence of Wolbachia Across Arthropod and Nematode Taxa Ankeeta Shah University of…