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Community Voices
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Spotlight — Carla Bautista Rodriguez
We’re taking time over the following weeks to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us every week to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Carla Bautista Rodriguez Communication and Outreach Subcommittee Université Laval Research Interest Until relatively recently, the thought of extraterrestrial…
Community Voices
#PEQG18 in Haiku
Attendees of the Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference are a creative bunch. Inspired by one of the PEQG Bingo challenges, they bombarded Twitter with more than 50 #PEQG18 haikus (and one limerick), providing poetic snippets of the meeting to those who couldn’t make it. Joining the 17-syllable summaries were fantastic sketch notes of the meeting by…
Community Voices
Abha Ahuja on teaching with impact
Abha Ahuja, Assistant Professor at education startup Minerva Schools, finds that her identity as a woman of Indian origin in STEM helps her relate to her diverse students. Her postdoctoral training prepared her to design active learning courses on a new technology platform. In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing…
Community Voices
The Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Fellowship: an inside view
The Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program has provided fellows with a 12-week immersive science policy experience for 20 years. Based within the National Academies in Washington DC, Mirzayan alumni are now found throughout the science policy realm in the United States and abroad. We spoke to Ben Krinsky, PhD, a 2015…
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Spotlight — Ruchi Jhonsa
We’re taking time over the following weeks to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us every week to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Ruchi Jhonsa Career Development Subcommittee National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell…
Community Voices
New Career Development Symposia: science policy careers, evolution, DNA replication and repair
We are proud to support three new symposia organized by student and postdoctoral members of the GSA! Check out the descriptions from the 2018 awardees of GSA Career Development Symposia funding. This program empowers early career members to organize local events that enhance the professional development of their peers, including career skills symposia, workshops, and networking events. Is there…
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Spotlight — Lindsay Holden
We’re taking time over the following weeks to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us every week to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Lindsay Holden Steering Committee Portland State University SMART Scholar, US Army Public Health Center Research Interest Differences between…
Community Voices
The AAAS Science & Technology Fellowships: an inside view
This post is part of the Early Career Scientist Policy Subcommittee’s series on science policy fellowships. You can also search for fellowship opportunities in the GSA Policy Fellowship Database. AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF) give scientists and engineers the opportunity to apply their knowledge and analytical skills to the policymaking process. These US-based fellowships…
Community Voices
Kelley Harris: Give students the freedom to choose
Kelley Harris is the Biology Major Program Manager at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Strong mentorship and her graduate training prepared Kelley for this multifaceted position that includes advising, administration, and communication. In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is…
Community Voices
Looking up to blue skies
GSA President Jeannie Lee invites your input. Like everything right now, science is changing fast. It seems like every time I look up from my work, the view has shifted, and the landscape is a little less familiar. This speed can be both exciting and disorienting, but either way, it pays to scan the horizon…
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Spotlight — Tony Patelunas
We’re taking time over the following weeks to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us every week to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Tony Patelunas Career Development Subcommittee University of Connecticut Research Interests Waddington explained developmental specification as a ball rolling…