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Articles tagged Genetics Journal
(310 results)
September GENETICS Highlights
Check out the September issue of GENETICS by looking at the highlights or the full table of contents! ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS MicroRNAs that contribute to coordinating the immune response in Drosophila melanogaster, pp. 163-178 Magda L. Atilano, Marcus Glittenberg, Annabel Monteiro, Richard R. Copley, and Petros Ligoxygakis Atilano et al. present a Drosophila post-infection survival screen that takes advantage of a library…
Chemical preserves mouse fertility after radiation
After surviving breast cancer, almost forty percent of female patients are affected by primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). This condition, in which ovaries don’t produce normal amounts of hormones or release eggs regularly, can result in health problems and an inability to have children. But POI isn’t caused by cancer itself—the actual culprit is DNA damage…
Gene flow from crops into weeds depends on genome location
Even though domestic plants usually appear radically different from their wild relatives, they are often still able to interbreed. For transgenic crops carrying traits like herbicide resistance, this flexibility could pose a problem if they were to pollinate weedy relatives nearby. In the July issue of GENETICS, Adamczyk-Chauvat et al. examine the extent to which…
Fast-evolving female-biased genes defy expectations in mosquitoes
Genes involved in male reproduction tend to evolve rapidly. This has been observed in many different species and is thought to be due to sexual selection as males compete over mating opportunities. But in the August issue of GENETICS, Whittle and Extavour present results that flip this paradigm upside down. They find that in the…
Revisiting Waddington: A new explanation for an old experiment
In the 1940s, C. H. Waddington discovered a peculiar phenomenon in fruit flies: traits could appear in response to environmental stress in an individual’s lifetime and then be passed down to future generations. Waddington proposed that this wasn’t the inheritance of acquired traits, but actually due to pre-existing genetic variation that had no effect until…
August GENETICS Highlights
Check out the August issue of GENETICS by looking at the highlights or the full table of contents! ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS Evolving Mistranslating tRNAs Through a Phenotypically Ambivalent Intermediate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, pp. 1865–1879 M. D. Berg, K. S. Hoffman, J. Genereaux, S. Mian, R. S. Trussler, D. B. Haniford, P. O´Donoghue, and C. J. Brandl It is increasingly apparent that the…
Germline immortality in C. elegans depends on epigenetic inheritance
Inheriting a trait from a grandparent doesn’t always involve their DNA sequences. In many organisms, some traits can be passed down for multiple generations via non-sequence based mechanisms, a phenomenon called transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The most familiar example is that human disease risk might be influenced by the lifestyle of a person’s grandparents. But by…
July GENETICS Highlights
Check out the July issue of GENETICS by looking at the highlights or the full table of contents! ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS The nucleoporin Nup2 contains a meiotic-autonomous region that promotes the dynamic chromosome events of meiosis, pp. 1319-1337 Daniel B. Chu, Tatiana Gromova, Trent A. C. Newman, and Sean M. Burgess Chromosomes are organized in the nucleus to accommodate multiple functions.…
Alcohol withdrawal is influenced by Slo channels
For people with alcohol dependence, withdrawal symptoms can cause relapse. Some physical symptoms—such as seizures, delirium tremens, and heart rhythm abnormalities—can be fatal, but even non-life-threatening symptoms like anxiety and confusion can trigger relapse. The changes in the nervous system that underlie withdrawal symptoms may involve ion channels in the Slo family. The function of…
How nematodes sense danger
In critical situations, communication can mean the difference between life and death. If our house goes up in flames, we don’t need to smell smoke to be alarmed as long as someone yells, “Fire!” This isn’t unique to humans; even creatures with much less sophisticated means of sharing information have ways of telling each other…
An overactive immune system alters the gut microbiome in Drosophila
Taking probiotics might be the latest health fad, but for people with inflammatory bowel diseases, the microbiome is a more serious matter. With these autoimmune diseases, the composition of the gut microbiome can have critical health consequences. In the June issue of GENETICS, Mistry et al. use fruit flies to determine whether immune system activity…