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Articles by Editorial Staff (443 results)

  • G3

    New in G3: Worm RNAi tools, oyster sex & primate lice endosymbionts

    Oyster sex, a watermelon map, coconut transcriptome, and a primate lice endosymbiont genome in the new issue of G3 online now! Also tools for C. elegans RNAi and predictive histone acetylation patterns. Check out the Table of Contents below: G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics  November 2014 Distinct and Predictive Histone Lysine Acetylation Patterns at Promoters, Enhancers, and Gene Bodies…

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2013

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2013. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2013 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2013 G3 Spotlight.

  • Post Feature Image

    Instagram Link Archive

    This an archive of images and related links from our Instagram account (@geneticsgsa). August 2, 2018 Our August GENETICS cover features a colorful karyotype from the Yeast Art Project. This design, made up of yeast engineered to produce different pigments, was “printed” onto a Petri dish by an acoustic droplet ejection robot. As the yeast colonies…