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Articles tagged G3 Journal
(204 results)

  • flying foxes bats halloween

    Bat signals: genomic traces of sensory rewiring

    How does evolution rewire an animal’s sensory system? In time for both National Bat Week and Halloween, new research in G3 investigates this question by comparing the genomes of bat species that “see” the world in different ways. The black flying fox Pteropus alecto forages for fruit mainly by smell and sight. In contrast, the…

  • Fine-Mapping Diabetic Traits with Outbred Rats

    In 1979, as the US slid into recession, researchers began systematically crossing eight distinct inbred rat strains. Their goal was to establish a genetically diverse rat colony to serve as a base for phenotype measurements and artificial selection. But the creators of the NIH rat Heterogeneous Stocks (HS) faced major challenges: “…the main one being…

  • frog

    Frog immune responses to a global threat

    Dramatic global declines in amphibians have been linked to the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, but some species are more vulnerable than others. In the latest issue of G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, as part of the GSA Journals’ Genetics of Immunity collection, Ellison et al. examined the transcriptome of the highly susceptible Panama Golden Frog after exposure to…

  • Turning to the Worm

    When Scott Alper and colleagues looked for candidate regulators of mammalian innate immunity based on gene expression data, the hit rate was only around 2%. By using a comparative genomics approach — starting with an RNAi screen in Caenorhabditis elegans — their hit rate rose to nearly 30%. In a new GENETICS article, published as…

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2013

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2013. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2013 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2013 G3 Spotlight.

  • Different varieties of medaka. Artwork by Saisetsu Honda and Nobuko Makihara.

    New Fish on the Block

    The medaka, or Japanese rice fish, is a century-old genetic model on the rise again. Long studied by scientists in Japan, it has been rediscovered by the wider research community over the last decade as a flexible tool for vertebrate genetics. Part of the appeal is the medaka’s amenability to inbreeding. In the latest issue…