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Articles tagged Writing Skills
(3 results)
GSA Welcomes ECLP Editor
The GSA team welcomes Vincent Price, PhD, as the new Early Career Leadership Program Editor! Vincent is a talented editor with years of experience under his belt as a consultant and published author, alongside a number of years teaching English and French at secondary and post-secondary levels. Can you tell us a little bit about…
How to write titles that tempt
You slave over writing your paper, trying to make sure that the introduction sets up a compelling story, that the results provide clear and convincing evidence for your conclusions, and that your discussion of what it all means makes sense. You and your co-authors edit relentlessly, passing the manuscript back and forth, improving it with…
Ten steps to a successful curriculum development proposal
At Millsaps College, a private, liberal arts school in Jackson, Mississippi, GSA member Sarah Lea Anglin united with her colleagues Debora Mann, Kristina Stensaas, and Timothy J. Ward to write a proposal for a curriculum development grant. This inter-departmental proposal was successfully funded in 2012. Finding funding for curricular reforms can be a daunting and…