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Articles tagged Spotlight Collections
(8 results)

  • Science & Publishing

    2024 GSA Journals Research Highlights

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present highlights from research published in 2024. The excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year is being viewed, downloaded, and cited, which means it’s contributing to the field and helping push knowledge forward. We invite you to browse these papers, which have been grouped…

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2019

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2019. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2019 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2019 G3 Spotlight.

  • Journal spotlights 2018

    GSA Journals Spotlight 2018

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2018. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2018 GENETICS Spotlight.   Browse the 2018 G3 Spotlight.

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2017

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2017. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2017 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2017 G3 Spotlight.  

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2016

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2016. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2016 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2016 G3 Spotlight. GENETICS SPOTLIGHT CITATIONS 2016 EDITORS’…

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2015

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2015. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2015 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2015 G3 Spotlight.      …

  • Spotlight on 2014 research

    From animal domestication to human genome variation, from loblolly genomes to lager genomes, from wild zebrafish sex to untangled metagenomes, last year brought plenty of high points for the GSA journals. So gathering a small selection of those high points into the 2014 Spotlight booklets was a challenging, but rewarding task for the editors of GENETICS…

  • GSA Journals Spotlight 2013

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2013. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2013 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2013 G3 Spotlight.