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Articles tagged Plant Biology
(9 results)
Science & Publishing
2024 GSA Journals Research Highlights
The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present highlights from research published in 2024. The excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year is being viewed, downloaded, and cited, which means it’s contributing to the field and helping push knowledge forward. We invite you to browse these papers, which have been grouped…
Science & Publishing
New associate editor, Yaniv Brandvain, joins GENETICS
A new associate editor is joining GENETICS in the Empirical Population Genetics section. We’re excited to welcome Yaniv Brandvain to the team.
Science & Publishing
Justin Borevitz joins G3 as an associate editor
A new associate editor is joining G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. We’re excited to welcome Justin Borevitz to the editorial team.
Science & Publishing
Unraveling the mysteries of duckweed: epigenetic insights from Spirodela polyrhiza
Research published in G3 offers insight into the impact of DNA methylation on clonal propagation in asexually reproducing plants.
Science & Publishing
Yao-Wu Yuan joins GENETICS as an associate editor
A new associate editor is joining GENETICS in the Genetics of Complex Traits section. We’re excited to welcome Yao-Wu Yuan to the editorial team.
Science & Publishing
Cracking the pear genome: how students helped unlock a new tool for the pear industry
Pears are big business in the United States’ Pacific Northwest. But did you know that traditional pear breeding has remained largely unchanged for centuries? This slow process is difficult and costly, requiring the long-term commitment of labor, materials, and land-space resources. However, traditional pear breeding might get some help from genomics, thanks to a unique…
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Spotlight: Divya Mishra
We’re taking time to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Divya MishraCareer Development Subcommittee National Institute of Plant Genome Research, India Research Interest I have always been deeply curious about various aspects of life. This curiosity has continued to…
Science & Publishing
New study finds corn genome can gang up on multiple pathogens at once
In a changing climate, corn growers need to be ready for anything, including new and shifting disease dynamics. Because it’s impossible to predict which damaging disease will pop up in a given year, corn with resistance to multiple diseases would be a huge win for growers. Now, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers are moving the…
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Spotlight: Aishwarya Kothari
We’re taking time to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Aishwarya Kothari Community and Membership Engagement Subcommittee Montana State University Research interest I am a fourth-year PhD student at Montana State University studying plant genetics. My interests are in…