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Articles tagged G3 Journal
(228 results)
The trouble with HLA diversity
The most diverse of all human genes encode a set of proteins at the frontline of our immune system. Many different Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) proteins are encoded by genes clumped together in one portion of the human genome known as the major histocompatibility complex region. HLA proteins sit on the surface of cells and…
Maintaining a strong Drosophila community — starting with students
Today’s guest post was contributed by Andreas Prokop, of the University of Manchester. Along with research on the cell biology of neurons during development and ageing, he is engaged in many science communication and outreach projects. Follow him on Twitter: @Poppi62 More than a century of intense research with the fruit fly Drosophila has arguably turned…
New in G3: C. elegans quantitative genetics, mouse imprinting, and undergraduate genomics research
Check out the May issue of G3! Investigations A Novel Electronic Assessment Strategy to Support Applied Drosophila Genetics Training in University Courses Maggy Fostier, Sanjai Patel, Samantha Clarke, and Andreas Prokop G3 May 2015 5:689-698; Early Online February 25, 2015, doi:10.1534/g3.115.017509 Abstract | Full Text | Full Text (PDF) | Supporting Information Differential Regulation of…
Beth and Bryn on fly sex
Male Drosophila fruit flies perform an elaborate ritual when they court a female. The male first turns towards the female, follows her, taps her, vibrates his wings to produce a species-specific song, licks her genitalia, curves his abdomen toward her and, if all goes well, the pair finally copulate. These complex routines may help flies…
Spotlight on 2014 research
From animal domestication to human genome variation, from loblolly genomes to lager genomes, from wild zebrafish sex to untangled metagenomes, last year brought plenty of high points for the GSA journals. So gathering a small selection of those high points into the 2014 Spotlight booklets was a challenging, but rewarding task for the editors of GENETICS…
New in G3: Genomic selection, ortholog detection, and Drosophila lines with global diversity
Check out the April issue of G3! Investigations A Bayesian Model for the Analysis of Transgenerational Epigenetic Variation Luis Varona, Sebastián Munilla, Elena Flavia Mouresan, Aldemar González-Rodríguez, Carlos Moreno, and Juan Altarriba G3 April 2015 5:477-485; Early Online January 23, 2015, doi:10.1534/g3.115.016725 Abstract | Full Text | Full Text (PDF) | Supporting Information Identification of…
Mutant Screen Report: touchy worms
Do you have results from a mutant screen to publish? G3’s Mutant Screen Reports allow you to publish succinct descriptions of useful genetic screens in a convenient format. The Reports fulfill one of G3’s goals: to make data from screens available to the community in a timely fashion. If you gently touch the front half…
New in G3: Fruit fly CatWalk, well fed Drosophila, and house fly sex determination
Just in time for the 2015 GSA Drosophila Research Conference, the new issue of G3 features FlyCatWalk for sorting live Drosophila based on morphometric traits, a Drosophila genome-wide association study for nutritional indices, and autosomal versus y-linked male determination in house flies. Check out the Table of Contents below! Investigations The FlyCatwalk: A High-Throughput…
New in G3: Malaria, scoliosis, and a Mexican tetra map
The new issue of G3 features Asian malarial mosquito control, familial idiopathic scoliosis, and a high-res genetic map for the Mexican tetra. Check out the Table of Contents below! Investigations Maternal Germline-Specific Genes in the Asian Malaria Mosquito Anopheles stephensi: Characterization and Application for Disease Control James K. Biedler, Yumin Qi, David Pledger, Anthony A.…
Mapping granny: ancestry inference for admixed individuals
Like all biological populations, human groups can’t be neatly divided. Real populations are connected to each other, and their borders are blurred by migration and mixing. But when inferring ancestry of an individual from genetic data, populations are typically simplified into tidy, discrete units. In the December issue of G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Yang et al. describe…
New G3 editors: de los Campos, Marshall, Myers, Ross-Ibarra, Slotte & Warburton
G3 welcomes new Associate Editors Gustavo de los Campos, Christian Marshall, Chad Myers, Jeff Ross-Ibarra, Tanja Slotte, and Marilyn Warburton! GUSTAVO DE LOS CAMPOS University of Alabama at Birmingham The academic interests of Gustavo de los Campos center on statistical learning methods with emphasis on applications in quantitative genetics. He completed two MS and a…