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    Fruit fly feast: Preview of the Annual Drosophila Research Conference

    Don’t miss out on this year’s Annual Drosophila Research Conference: The late abstract deadline is January 23, 2017 and the early registration discount ends February 3, 2017. Check out the fantastic lineup of invited speakers below! More details of the conference are available here, including details of special events like the PI Early Career Forum,…

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    Jeannie Lee appointed GSA Vice-President

    The GSA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Jeannie T. Lee (HHMI/Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital) has been appointed GSA Vice-President. Last year, Barbara J. Meyer (HHMI/University of California, Berkeley) was elected the 2017 Vice-President and 2018 President of the GSA Board of Directors. Unfortunately, Meyer will no longer be able to take on…

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    Publish your WGS data in G3 Genome Reports

    Do you have whole genome sequence (WGS) data burning a hole in your pocket? Many high-quality WGS datasets languish unpublished and undescribed because they may not always—in isolation—reveal substantial new biological insights. However, the editors of G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics recognize that WGS data on strain variation, comparative analysis of different model organism species, and other rich…

  • Photo courtesy of Ludovic Orlando. Przewalski’s horses went extinct in the wild in 1969, but have since been reintroduced to Mongolia.

    Best of Genes to Genomes 2016

    Let’s bid farewell to 2016 with a look back at some of your favorite Genes to Genomes post from the year—plus a few more we think you’ll like: Five most popular posts of 2016 Dear Mr. Trump GSA President Stan Fields advises US President-elect Donald Trump to surprise the world and make science the cornerstone of his administration. How…

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    GSA steps up its focus on early career scientists

    Sonia Hall is working with the GSA in a newly-created role as Program Director for Early Career Scientist Engagement. Executive Director Tracey DePellegrin spoke with Sonia about why focusing on helping this group of scientists is so important, including plans to start a GSA steering committee led by graduate students & postdocs. Sonia received her…

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    Even though Gregor Mendel asks not to be rediscovered when he hears us…

    To paraphrase the Car Talk guys, “Well, it’s happened again—you’ve wasted another perfectly good year reading frameshifts.” Although not as much as I have in writing it. And perhaps this hasn’t been “perfectly good” as years go. But as far as the GSA goes, we’ve dealt with some major events this year.     First,…

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    TAGC Videos & Meeting Report: The Allied Genetics Conference online!

    The Allied Genetics Conference was an experiment for the GSA. We brought together under one roof seven separate research community meetings: C. elegans, ciliate, Drosophila, mouse, yeast, zebrafish, and population, evolutionary, and quantitative genetics. Today we are launching another experiment, this time, to communicate results presented at the meeting. Thanks to a generous grant from the…

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    GENETICS and G3 Fall 2016 Editorial Board Update

    GENETICS and G3 are excited to welcome new editors! GENETICS and G3 Series Editor: Lauren McIntyre GENETICS Associate Editors: Anne Britt, Elizabeth Hauser, Jennifer Surtees, Paul Scheet, Mikko J. Sillanpää, Mario Calus, Katie Peichel G3 Associate Editors: Michael J. Axtell, Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena, Shavannor M. Smith, Joshua Udall GENETICS and G3 Series Editor LAUREN MCINTYRE University of Florida Lauren McIntyre is developing a…

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    Statement on the Genetics Society of America’s commitment to diversity

    The Genetics Society of America does not take stands on political candidates or parties. Nevertheless, because the recent American election campaign was characterized by deep divisions and episodes of anger and fear, we feel compelled to reaffirm the values that unite us. Science thrives on diversity. Like most scientists, genetic researchers rarely work alone; they…

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    Memories of Sue Lindquist

    Guest post by Christine Queitsch. Last week when the scientific community lost one of its brightest and most innovative minds, I lost my long-time mentor and the closest thing to a mother since I lost mine. Susan Lindquist had found me in a basement laboratory in the former East Germany, in 1992, shortly after the…

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    GSA Journals Spotlight 2015

    The GSA Journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, are proud to present our annual Spotlight booklets for research published in 2015. Each Spotlight is a showcase of the excellent research and scholarship published over the course of the year, along with a selection of striking images submitted by our authors. Browse the 2015 GENETICS Spotlight. Browse the 2015 G3 Spotlight.      …