Andrew Kern
Senior Editor

Andrew Kern is an Evergreen Professor in the Department of Biology and the Institute for Ecology and Evolution at the University of Oregon. His research combines modern machine learning methods with classical probabilistic approaches and large-scale simulation to gain insight into population genetic and evolutionary biological questions. His lab focuses on methods development, creating new tools that empower the field to gain insights that weren’t attainable previously. One fundamental thread that has run through his entire research career is understanding the impact of natural selection on genetic variation in natural populations including models such as humans, mosquitoes, and fruit flies as well as non-model systems such as barnacles and octopuses.  He completed his ScB in Biology at Brown University and his PhD in Population Genetics at the University of California, Davis. Kern was an NIH Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Santa Cruz where he studied Computational Biology under the mentorship of David Haussler. Before arriving at the University of Oregon, Kern served as an Assistant Professor of Biology at Dartmouth College, and both an Assistant and Associate Professor of Genetics at Rutgers University.