We are pleased to announce the recipients of the GSA Poster Awards for posters presented at The Allied Genetics Conference 2024! Undergraduate and graduate student members of GSA were eligible for the awards, and a hard-working team of judges made the determinations.
Congratulations to all!
Faith Akoachere, Syracuse University
Functional characterization of systemic RNA interference in C. elegans
Allison Beachum, University of Virginia
Multiple glial subtypes interact and compensate for the loss of nearby glial function
Puja Biswas, University of British Columbia
Female specific increased Insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling pathway promotes increased body fat in Drosophila females than males
Marvin Cortez, Princeton University
Non-ciliary roles for the cilia-motility associated gene Cfap298 (Kurly) in zebrafish and mouse
Tristram Dodge, Stanford University
Ancient gene duplication and recent non-coding structural variation underpin pigmentation diversification in swordtail (Xiphophorus) fishes
Eduardo Gameiro, Institute for Molecular Biology
Genetic analysis of the yeast DNA damage response with a genome-wide inducible degron library
Artemiza Martinez, Lehigh University
Using experimental evolution of hybrid genomes to identify genetic incompatibilities in yeast
Shannon Pfeiffer, University of Delaware
Characterizing the effects of WEE-1.3 depletion on spermatogenesis in C. elegans
Victoria Placentra, Emory University
Homeostatic control of intestinal stem cell renewal by two transcriptional regulators
Rebecca Ray, Lake Forest College
Investigating the bidirectional relationship between traumatic brain injury and sleep homeostasis in D. melanogaster
Wyatt Toure, Columbia University
Genetic and molecular bases of hybrid dysgenesis in deer mice
Catherine Zhang, University of Toronto
Investigating the role of the Drosophila PI 4-kinase four wheel drive during spermatocyte cytokinesis
Honorable mentions:
- Cyril Anyetei-Anum
- Sayan Biswas
- Ryan Clough
- Elli Cryan
- Eloïse Duramé
- Yi Gao
- Lauren Hodkinson
- Dana Jackson
- Nicolas Lee
- Kayla Ly
- Jeffrey Matthew
- Colin Miller
- Xheni Mucelli
- Hannah Munby
- Sherif Negm
- Meri Nehlsen
- Mia Peifer
- Nathan Rather
- Susannah Schloss
- Colby Schweibenz
- Emma Steinson
- Rebeccah Stewart
- Karli Sunnergren
- Jennifer Viveiros
- Shane Warland