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Articles tagged Drosophila
(125 results)
OVO gives rise to female flies in embryogenesis
In the Drosophila germline, a female-specific requirement for OVO is reported in a new paper in G3.
Grants & Funding
Hugo Bellen and Catherine Tasnier Drosophila Neurogenetics Lecture Announcement
Qili Liu to present the first Hugo Bellen and Catherine Tasnier Drosophila Neurogenetics Lecture at 66th Annual Drosophila Research Conference
Congratulations, Spring 2025 Victoria Finnerty Travel Award recipients!
The Victoria Finnerty Undergraduate Travel Award supports conference-attendance costs for undergraduate GSA members who are presenting research at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. #Dros25 will be held in San Diego, CA from March 19–23, 2025. Victoria Finnerty, who died in February 2011, was a long-time member of the Genetics Society of America and served the Drosophila community and the genetics community at large in…
The Fly Meeting is one-of-a-kind! Dros 2025 organizers share their excitement
The 66th Annual Drosophila Research Conference promises to be a meeting rich with the latest in Drosophila research as well as opportunities to advance your career and connect with a global community of 1,400+ scientists. The organizers Todd Nystul, Michelle Bland, Leila Rieder, Amanda Crocker, and Justin Crocker are hard at work, planning a conference…
Science & Publishing
The power of genetic screening: identifying genes that alter nervous system shape in Drosophila
New results published in G3 summarize the genetic pathways controlling nervous system structure and explore how a single gene regulates tissue shape in a cell-type specific manner.
Science & Publishing
Cellular first responders: calcium and annexins partner to manage wound healing
Research in GENETICS explores the roles of three Annexins in calcium-dependent wound repair.
Community Voices
Early Career Leadership Program: Rupinder Kaur
We’re taking time to get to know the members of the GSA’s Early Career Scientist Committees. Join us to learn more about our early career scientist advocates. Rupinder KaurCareer Development SubcommitteePennsylvania State University Research Interest I am a cell and molecular biologist interested in exploring host-symbiont interactions with relevance to human health outcomes. Mosquito-borne diseases, especially…
Science & Publishing
New Senior Editor Amy MacQueen joins GENETICS
A new senior editor is joining GENETICS in the Genome Integrity and Transmission section. We’re excited to welcome Amy MacQueen to the editorial team.
Science & Publishing
Erica Larschan joins GENETICS as an associate editor
A new associate editor is joining GENETICS in the Experimental Technologies and Resources section. We’re excited to welcome Erica Larschan to the editorial team.
Science & Publishing
Shedding light on heavy metal pollution with Elizabeth R. Everman
“This work is important to me because it has such wide-ranging implications and can shed light on how heavy metal pollution can influence ecosystem and human health,” Everman says.
Science & Publishing
Tina Mukherjee joins GENETICS as associate editor
A new associate editor is joining GENETICS in the Cellular Genetics section. We’re excited to welcome Tina Mukherjee to the editorial team.