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Articles by Mark Johnston (3 results)

  • Mark Johnston was the Editor-in-Chief of GENETICS from 2009-2022.

  • Photo of magnifying glass

    Learning to peer review

    GENETICS Editor-in-Chief Mark Johnston introduces a new peer review training program for early career scientists. “Just tell them what you think of them.” That was the response of one of my mentors when I asked him how I should review grant applications. I was a newly-minted Assistant Professor and had been asked to sit on an NIH study section. I…

  • How to write titles that tempt

    You slave over writing your paper, trying to make sure that the introduction sets up a compelling story, that the results provide clear and convincing evidence for your conclusions, and that your discussion of what it all means makes sense. You and your co-authors edit relentlessly, passing the manuscript back and forth, improving it with…

  • Tape measure tangle

    A glaring paradox clarified

    Last week, GENETICS published an editorial by Editor-in-Chief Mark Johnston about the influence of the Journal Impact Factor on science and discussed an alternative metric that emphasizes the research experience of the journal’s editors. The following is Mark’s response to some of the feedback he’s received: In my editorial I proposed a new metric for…