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Articles by Guest Author (175 results)
Pin the tail on the mRNA: New insights into polyadenylation site location in yeast
Research published in GENETICS sheds light on the functional significance of polyadenylation site locations in the 3′UTRs of yeast mRNAs.
Unlocking the secrets of Cryptococcus neoformans
A new data resource illuminates environmental responses to capsule induction—research published in GENETICS provides a valuable dataset for researchers, offering new insights into how environmental conditions influence capsule formation in Cryptococcus neoformans.
“This grant means freedom… I can take more risks.”
2025 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award Recipients Announced
OVO gives rise to female flies in embryogenesis
In the Drosophila germline, a female-specific requirement for OVO is reported in a new paper in G3.
New resources for navigating the maze of maize genomics
A unified VCF dataset for maize and SNPversity 2.0 are reported in a new paper in G3.
A novel tool for QC in long-read genomic data
Sequence composition disentangles contaminants from long-read data sets in a new paper from G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics.
Science & Publishing
A tail of three regulatory elements: insights into the structure of C. elegans Raf/LIN-25
A new paper in GENETICS shows the distal tail segment Raf/LIN-45 downregulates signaling and models its function in other Raf proteins.
Meet embGAN, a revolution for cell lineage studies
New research in GENETICS reports an automated pipeline for cell lineage tracing that massively reduces manual analysis time.
Digging up the recent past: how effective are genomic tools at deciphering our genetic ancestry?
Researchers evaluate the accuracy of common statistical methods to identify recent genetic ancestry in GENETICS.
Science & Publishing
Researchers develop new approach to document genetic ancestry
New work in GENETICS adds definition to ancestral recombination graphs (ARGs), supporting the analysis of genomic big data.
Science & Publishing
Four new pipelines to streamline and improve genomic analyses
G3 reports exciting methods designed to make specific genomic analyses easier.