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Articles by Guest Author (170 results)
A novel tool for QC in long-read genomic data
Sequence composition disentangles contaminants from long-read data sets in a new paper from G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics.
Science & Publishing
A tail of three regulatory elements: insights into the structure of C. elegans Raf/LIN-25
A new paper in GENETICS shows the distal tail segment Raf/LIN-45 downregulates signaling and models its function in other Raf proteins.
Meet embGAN, a revolution for cell lineage studies
New research in GENETICS reports an automated pipeline for cell lineage tracing that massively reduces manual analysis time.
Digging up the recent past: how effective are genomic tools at deciphering our genetic ancestry?
Researchers evaluate the accuracy of common statistical methods to identify recent genetic ancestry in GENETICS.
Science & Publishing
Researchers develop new approach to document genetic ancestry
New work in GENETICS adds definition to ancestral recombination graphs (ARGs), supporting the analysis of genomic big data.
Science & Publishing
Four new pipelines to streamline and improve genomic analyses
G3 reports exciting methods designed to make specific genomic analyses easier.
Science & Publishing
Cellular first responders: calcium and annexins partner to manage wound healing
Research in GENETICS explores the roles of three Annexins in calcium-dependent wound repair.
Science & Publishing
P. pacificus’s epigenetic toolkit is missing an important tool
A GENETICS study’s insight into Pristionchus pacificus’s epigenetic landscape makes a remarkable discovery about a critical methyltransferase.
Science & Publishing
Some assembly required: how accurate are genome assembly lengths?
Sequencing quality and read have improved greatly, but new research in GENETICS asks whether assemblies match the estimated genome size for their species.
Science & Publishing
How do mitochondria recover from sunburns?
New work published in GENETICS suggests that mitochondria could have unique pathways to repair or respond to UV damage to their DNA.
Science & Publishing
University of Minnesota researchers map genome of the last living wild horse species
The study, published in G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, is part of larger conservation efforts to save Przewalski’s horse.