We are pleased to announce the GSA Poster Award winners from the 24th International C. elegans Conference! Undergraduate and graduate student members of the GSA were eligible for the awards, and a hard-working team of judges made the determinations.
Congratulations to all!

Zachary Bush, University of Oregon
“Mapping meiotic crossover sites in individual C. elegans spermatocyte and oocyte genomes by whole-genome sequencing”

Elizabeth DiLoreto, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
“Shaping Brain Function with Microbes”

Kinsey Fisher, Duke University,
“Investigating the role of chromatin structure in starvation resistance via novel histone variant hil-1/H1-0”

Majdulin Istiban, KU Leuven
“Ancient glycoprotein hormone system regulates growth an intestinal function“

Dalton Meadows, Arizona State University
“miRNA Expression and Strand Selection in C. elegans”

Sabrina Montresor, University of Bremen
“The chaperone HSP-110 modulates Aβ1-42 aggregation in C. elegans”

Federico Pini, University of British Columbia
“Inter-class axon-axon interaction defines tiled synaptic innervation of DA-class motor neurons in C. elegans”

Sigma Pradhan, Institute of Cell Biology, University of Bern, Switzerland
“Parental dietary restriction delays offspring growth due to suboptimal ribosome provisioning”