Yaniv Brandvain
Associate Editor, Empirical Population Genetics section

Yaniv Brandvain is an Associate Professor of Plant and Microbial Biology at the University of Minnesota working in theoretical and empirical population genomics. He received a BA in Human Ecology from the College of the Atlantic and a PhD in Biology from Indiana University, working on the robe of conflict, cooperation, and co-adaptation in plant evolution and speciation. During his postdoc at the University of California, Davis, he developed evolutionary theory concerning meiotic drive, and he developed population genomic approaches to study the evolutionary origins of self-fertilizing plant species. He is interested in understanding how new plant species arise with a particular interest in how mating systems and genomic conflicts shape plant diversity. His lab combines empirical and theoretical population genomic analyses with collaborative work in empirical systems to study the evolutionary forces shaping flowering plant diversity. He was also named McKnight Land-Grant Professor from the University of Minnesota (2017-2019) for his research efforts and received the Stanley Dagley-Samuel Kirkwood Undergraduate Education Award for his efforts in undergraduate instruction in biostatistics.