Guest post by CourseSource Editor-in-Chief Michelle Smith and Managing Editor Erin Vinson.

In partnership with Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) meeting, CourseSource is hosting an ONLINE Writing Studio Short Course. We have switched to an online setting because the SABER meeting will no longer be taking place in Minneapolis, MN this summer.

We will offer this online Writing Studio twice this summer:

  • June 15–17 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. EDT
  • July 21–23 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. EDT

We acknowledge that many of you needed to quickly switch to online education this spring. CourseSource is supportive of your efforts and hopes that you will consider sharing your innovative ideas through future publications.

About CourseSource

CourseSource is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal that publishes tested, evidence-based undergraduate activities for life sciences. The articles include details in a format, style, and voice that support replicability. Publishing activities in CourseSource provides authors with recognition of the creativity, experience, and time needed to develop effective classroom materials, while also supporting the dissemination of evidence-based teaching practices. Authors can list CourseSource articles in the peer-reviewed publication section of their curriculum vitae and use them as evidence for excellence in teaching.


The Writing Studio Short Course is open to instructors (including faculty, graduate students, and postdocs) who teach biology to undergraduate students and are planning to publish an activity in CourseSource.

Participants must commit to attending the full Writing Studio Short Course, either the June or July session. Preference is given to applicants who have taught the activity that they will be working on at the Writing Studio and who have not previously published in CourseSource. Faculty from community colleges, primarily undergraduate institutions, and minority-serving institutions (colleges and universities) are encouraged to apply.

Participant Benefits

The Writing Studio will provide time for you to work on your CourseSource manuscript and receive advice and feedback from editorial staff. We will also connect you with other prospective authors.

To apply, visit this link: Application review will begin on April 20, 2020. If you have questions, contact Editor-in-Chief Michelle Smith and Managing Editor Erin Vinson.

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