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Community Voices

  • Community Voices

    GSA-Art: Vijay Ramani

    Guest post by Vijay Ramani. GSA-art features the creative works of scientists, particularly geneticists. Read more about the series from GSA President Stan Fields. If you would like to submit your own work or nominate someone else’s, please send an email with “GSA-Art” in the subject line. I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember! My parents started…

  • Community Voices

    Even though Gregor Mendel asks not to be rediscovered when he hears us…

    To paraphrase the Car Talk guys, “Well, it’s happened again—you’ve wasted another perfectly good year reading frameshifts.” Although not as much as I have in writing it. And perhaps this hasn’t been “perfectly good” as years go. But as far as the GSA goes, we’ve dealt with some major events this year.     First,…

  • Community Voices

    GSA-Art: Ahna Skop

    Guest post by Ahna Skop. GSA-art features the creative works of scientists, particularly geneticists. Read more about the series from GSA President Stan Fields. If you would like to submit your own work or nominate someone else’s, please send an email with “GSA-Art” in the subject line. I love Caenorhabditis elegans first for its beauty and then for the science. Beauty…

  • Community Voices

    GSA-art: Beata Edyta Mierzwa

    Guest post by Beata Edyta Mierzwa. GSA-art features the creative works of scientists, particularly geneticists. Read more about the series from GSA President Stan Fields. If you would like to submit your own work or nominate someone else’s, please send an email with “GSA-Art” in the subject line. I used to draw a lot—mostly portraits of my friends—before starting…

  • Community Voices

    Did you know they rewrote the game?

    If you’re a young geneticist who spends most of your life hanging around universities—as I still do—you’ll likely notice in your department the presence of some old people. People in their 80’s and 90’s. Often, these are scientists who made incredible discoveries decades before you were born, but you may not know a thing about…

  • Community Voices

    GSA-Art: Shruthi Vembar

    Guest post by Shruthi Vembar. GSA-Art features the creative works of scientists. Read more in GSA President Stan Fields’ call for submissions. If you would like to submit your own work or nominate someone else’s, please send an email to with “GSA-Art” in the subject line. Madhubani painting, also known as Mithila painting, is an art form that originated in Northern…

  • Community Voices

    GSA-Art: Bonny Brewer

    Guest post by Bonny Brewer. GSA-Art features the creative works of scientists. Read more in GSA President Stan Fields’ call for submissions. If you would like to submit your own work or nominate someone else’s, please send an email to with “GSA-Art” in the subject line. I have been in love with DNA for as long as I can remember.…

  • Community Voices

    Another letter to Mr. Trump

    Dear President-elect Trump, It’s me again. I wrote you last week to say why you should make science a cornerstone of your administration. Don’t feel bad that with all the hubbub of starting up your new job, you haven’t had a chance to get back to me yet. But as I’ve read about some of…

  • Community Voices

    As we face uncertainty, let’s stand together

    Given the outcome of the US presidential election, some of our members have asked us if they should fear an erosion of federal support for research funding. Others have asked more pointed questions, such as: What is the GSA doing to defend the interests of geneticists? Young scientists, they’ve told us, are now even more…

  • Community Voices

    Dear Mr. Trump

    Dear President-elect Trump, Congratulations on your victory. As a fellow president myself (albeit with a much smaller constituency), I can remember well those early post-election days, when the surge of heady enthusiasm for all those things I hoped to accomplish had not yet been eroded by the practicalities of actually governing. But as a geneticist…

  • Community Voices

    GSA-Art: Sean Burgess and Larissa Miyachi

    GSA-Art features the creative works of scientists. Read more in GSA President Stan Fields’ call for submissions. If you would like to submit your own work or nominate someone else’s, please send an email to with “GSA-Art” in the subject line. Guest post by Sean Burgess. Chromosome letters is a short novel that follows two young DNA strands, Tabellarius and…